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Welcome to The Kyoto Connection Radio. A carefully-selected curation of the best japanese ambient / environmental / instrumental / new age music.

🔊 We are LIVE 24/7!

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Feel free to leave us your comments / song requests below!


  • Hola, amigos! Donde están? Ocorrió algo con ustedes? Nosotros estamos solos sin sus canciones en las redes sociales. Estarán en Kyoto, preguntome!…Saludos desde Brazil.

    • ¡Hola Celia! Muchas gracias por escribirnos. Estamos muy bien, ensayando para nuestra gira y grabando nuestro próximo disco “CUATRO ESTACIONES EN KYOTO”. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo siempre!

  • Thank you for making good music. And please dont stop. The sight of seeing this website slowly dying is concerning me. Also have you been to kyoto yet?

    • We’ll never stop my friend! As a matter of fact, we’re creating new songs right now 🙂 We still didn’t make it to Kyoto yet… maybe next year!?

  • Is the Kyoto Connection Radio available on other platforms such as TuneIn. Would love to play your station on my Sonos. Best regards, Marco

    • Hi Marco! It should be possible to add the stream to TuneIn… I’ll investigate further on that. Thanks!

  • Do you have any more information on the track ‘once upon a time in arashiyama’? I heard it on the radio here and can’t find anything about it! It was gorgeous.

    • Sure! This is the story: that track was originally meant to be part of our latest album “The Flower, The Bird and The Mountain” but sadly, due the 40min limitations of the vinyl format, we had to take it out of the selection. Good news is that you can still listen to it on our Youtube channel, you’ll find it by it’s original name “Moon crossing bridge” [link]


  • Buenas tardes! Acabo de descubrir vuestra radio y me gusta mucho. Si me permiten, quisiera hacer una consulta acerca de un alimento tradicional japonés: alguien me puede informar sobre el proceso de fermentación del NATTO ? Utilizo para fermentar una yogurtera pero no se hace. Conocen otro utensilio o electrodoméstico en Argentina que sirva para fermentar y hacer Natto ? Gracias! Saludos!

    • Hola Carlos! Lamentablemente no tenemos esa información, pero te invtamos a seguir investigando. ¡La solución debe estar mucho más cerca de lo que imaginas! Gracias por compartir.

  • I’ve just stumbled over your music on one of my nightly voyages. I can’t precisely pinpoint how I found you. But I’m very glad I did. I’m always astonished to find music like yours that just connects with my soul. And to find out after all that years just now.

    I’m battling with severe depression and your music touched me, when almost nothing was able to. That is a rare occasion. And those are the moments that help me keep fighting.

    Thank your for art and for sharing it with us.

    The world is a better one with you in it.
    I hope this message finds you well.
    Kind regards,

    • Hi Mumpitz, thank you very much for letting us know that our music inspires you and helps you get through difficult times. You have the strength to do it, nothing happens to us without a purpose. We hope you find it soon and can move forward on the path to what awaits you. You are never alone, you will always find a light of hope in music.

      Best wishes!

  • I can’t state enough how much this music helps me focus. I also love the retro aesthetic of this website.

    If you don’t mind me asking, why is your goal to reach Kyoto in particular?

  • oops, I just made a comment (paying you guys compliment!), but it just disapeared. Any reason for that?

  • This is really amazing, I am listening to this radio almost 24/7! Thanks for the numerous Hiroshi Yoshimura tracks.
    I wonder if you could also broadcast some tracks by Keiichi Sugimoto (his work as”fourcolor”, filfla or minamo is just so great)

  • Saludos desde México. La propuesta sobre que aparezcan los títulos de los tracks en su radio es buena.

    Por otro lado, me gustaría invitarlos a un programa dedicado al ambient en Antimateria Sonora Radio que suena en el norte de México en FM y en línea via la Estación de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Abrazo!

  • Muchas gracias por la hermosa música. Tengo un interés en saber si cumplieron con el cometido o no !! , Si no, ojalá lo logren
    Saludos desde Chile

  • Any chance we might get a ‘Now Playing’ feature with song title/artists? A thousand thanks for creating this lovely musical fountain of serenity, keep up the good work KC!

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